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DVD "Sister Lucia"

Documentary on the life of the Fatima seer Lucia de Jesus, Messenger of Our Lady of Fatima. The DVD contains English, German, French, Italian, Spanish, Russian and Polish language.  

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20,00 €

A beautiful documentary on the heroic life of Lucia de Jesus, the shepherd  girl chosen by Our Lady of Fatima to spread the devotion to Her Immaculate Heart in all the world! The film gives a detailed overview of Lucia’s life as a little shepherd girl in Fatima, before and during the apparitions of Our Lady in 1917. It shows then Luca’s path as a religious sister after the apparition, till her death in 2005. 

45 min.

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DVD "Sister Lucia"

DVD "Sister Lucia"

Documentary on the life of the Fatima seer Lucia de Jesus, Messenger of Our Lady of Fatima. The DVD contains English, German, French, Italian, Spanish, Russian and Polish language.  

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